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GSMLS Forms Site
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In order to become a member of Garden State MLS, you must be licensed to sell real estate in NJ or a state certified real estate appraiser. The following applications may be used to join the MLS:

Broker Application - This application is for the Broker of Record and/or the Office Manager

Agent Application - This application is used for real estate agents.  Please note that your employing Broker MUST be a member before your application can be processed.

Transfer Form - This is used for Agents that are transferring from one Broker to another or from one branch office to another.

Reinstatement Form - This is used for Agents that reinstating their membership with Garden State MLS

Appraiser Application - This application is for NJ certified appraisers.

Administrator/Processor Application - This application is for office administrators or processors that primarily to Add/Edit work for an entire office.  There is a limit of 2 of this type of user per office.  These users can not list/sell property and can not have lock box cards.